Our sword production

We produce authentic functional replicas of historical swords. In order to bring historically appropriate weapons to our customers, the production of our swords is based on real finds!

Here you can either order swords from our offer, or contact us here and order a custom-made sword according to your demand. The swords on our offer are either in stock and the delivery time is within a few days/weeks depending on the place of delivery, or they are made for you as custom order

Custom categories

Custom made swords are made for you and delivered within three to six months. For each order, you will be informed of the approximate date of execution and delivery. We produce swords based on the parameters of sharp weapons. It means the blade construction is built for a sharp sword.

You can have the swords in a sharpened version and immediately after delivery they will be ready for chopping or in a blunt version, i.e. They will be blunt and safe, but can be sharpened at any other time.

Training swords – Paraten/Übung Schwerter

Our training swords are replicas of the originals and both weight and dimensions correspond to their originals. According to the customer's wishes, we are able to accommodate minor adjustments such as the length of the blade, hilt, guard or the size of the pommel. If the changes mean the production of a different type of weapon, it will be a custom production, which we consult with our clients in detail in order to perfectly meet their requirements. Training swords are intended for swordsmanship training according to preserved swordsmanship historical instructions. They can be used for modern disciplines, but beware! They are not meant for that. They are made in accordance with the needs of historical fencing disciplines, not modern ones.

Swords for sale


The original of this sword can be found in the exposition of the museum of the Military Historical Institute in Prague. This is a long sword typical of the mid-16th century. The blade corresponds to the production in Passau. Weight 1650g


  • total length 1265mm
  • blade 950mm
  • width at the crossguard 45mm


From 750 €



A longsword made from the original listed in the auction. This is a long sword dating to the second half of the 16th century in the territory of today's Germany. The specific decoration of the hilt is called a branched hilt. Weight 1700g


  • total length 1285mm
  • blade 956mm
  • width at the crossguard 48mm


From 850 €



A standard one handed sword belonging to the end of 14th. century. Central funnel takes about two thirds fof the blade. Hilt is a copy of an original find. Since it is a common type, it can go with various types of blade.


  • total length 1015mm
  • blade 840mm
  • width at the crossguard 40mm
  • weigth 1100g


From 390 €
